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  • 20/04/2015

    This is a great deal. You are going to pay much more for this at your local fish store. The main tube extends to about 18 inches. The end can be removed, as can the extension tube (which should be done after each use to get it to fully dry). So this will work with a smaller tank as well as larger tanks. My only issue was the siphon hose. It was short and bent (just like the photo!) such that it was restricting flow and didn't meet my needs for a long enough hose. I used an older one I had around and it works great. Funny the photo has that kink in the hose and it arrives with the same kink. It can be removed with some hot water and time, but since it was too short for my needs, I didn't bother. The siphon will start with the up and down motion, but that feature is a bit hit or miss, but does work if you keep at it. I just start it with drawing on the tube with my mouth until the water gets close and then drop it into my bucket. 100% effective. Overall, great price, works pretty well, and is exactly as shown.

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